“Boring things open the world up. There is no request for attention or need for applause or approval. It’s boring. It’s already something with little (initially) to offer. Boring and dull things are empty. However, it’s this void that allows for things which are normal, anonymous, and quotidian to become weird and strange and make space for the imagination. It’s free space in all the ways that interesting things are a closed room.” —Paul Preissner, Kind of Boring, 2021


    “In the process of experimentation, we allow ourselves to make mistakes, to go too far, to be inept. There is no failure, as every step we take is necessary to reach our destination, including the missteps. Each experiment is valuable in its own way if we learn something from it. Even if we can’t comprehend its worth, we are still practicing our craft, moving ever so
    much closer to mastery.” — Rick Rubin, The Creative Act


    The site for this new civic building sits just south of the Fayetteville Public Library, at the corner of W. South Street and S. School Ave. along Fayetteville’s Cultural Arts Corridor, also known as the Ramble. Students can assume that necessary parking is accommodated by shared parking in the library lot and garage and by street parking. Connections to all available transportation options should be accommodated in the site design (biking/walking from the Ramble or from the sidewalk, driving and parking around the site, and public transit). Students are encouraged to consider how the unbuilt portion of the site becomes accessory and extension of the Kunsthalle program.